Friday 12 December 2008

Final January Scene
I started this scene with a large plain which I inflicted noise onto to create the snow effect. I then added the previously created snowman, trees and lantern which were all made from primative shapes. I rendered different textures to the objects, smoke to the trees which I made stipply like pine trees and a snow effect to the snowman and plane below him. I then adjusted the omni light to reflect a true shadow and added the snowy background in the distance using a simple flat plane.

Final July Scene

I firstly created a large plane form the primative shapes menu which I used noise to give texture. This became the sand which I then added smoke and played with the alterations to create the sandy texture. The sea was also created using a plane which I made transparent and slightly reflective for effect. The umbrella was created using half a sphere which is explained previously in the blog. The chair, also made previously, was inserted and and a directional spotlight was added to cast the correct shadows. I changed the amount of shadow and the colour of the light to a soft yellow to brighten the sand and give the scene a warm glow.

Final April Scene
I created this scene by making a spline for each of the three leaves using the line tool, I then added the bitmap of the leaf within the created shape. Using soft selection, I bent each leaf to a unique shape to interact with the design. I then added the droplets to the leaves which where spheres form the primative shapes menu, which I rendered transparent with a little self glow and added refraction. The tree trunk and branch were constructed from cylinders which where then distorted using the noise function and rendered with a bark bitmap image found on the internet. The background image of the forest was one I found on a google search which I blurred slightly using gaussian blur in Photoshop to give a perspective feel to the final image. This image was placed in environments to show over the whole document.

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